Let The Silent Peace Loving Majority Wake Up, Join Hands, and No Longer Be Silent!

Dedicated to raising hope, our similarities, and understanding the differences between us all over the world.

Let their be awareness, understanding, tolerance, respect, compassion, peace, and love.

Let us not be silent. Let us bring up the important issues, share ideas, and comments.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

An Ideology of Peace

What a misfortune when a small number is able to damage global peace, security, and stability.

There are nearly 7 billion people in the world coming from 195 different countries. A vast majority of these millions and billions of people are peace loving and want to live their lives in peace. With such large numbers, we are certainly not outnumbered. Then why do we let a very small minority destroy the peace?

It is vital to understand what really is going on.

How do you learn though? Most of our information depends on the media. Unfortunately most of the media all over the world likes to sensationalize everything and capitalize on stories for their own reasons. Some causes are way too important and the media needs to realize their responsibility for the peace and stability of the only world we have and the one they share too.

There really are only two kinds of people in the world: good and bad. The vast majority of the people in the world are good people. And it has nothing to do with religion, race, or nationality.

Don’t expect or wait for the extremists to learn tolerance. Greater understanding and tolerance for different cultures, religions, and people is actually needed more amongst the peace loving majority. If we understand we will be united and we will stand as one and become a wall against all evil minded people.

For our own sake and for the sake of the peace of our world it will be wise to stop associating any misguided people with any race, religion or nationality. Because when we do so we cut away from our very own ranks the millions and sometimes billions who actually are on our side——-Exactly what our enemies want us to do.

This job is not just for the governments. We all have to smarten up and help. Now is the hour for us to support our world. Let us not just sit aside. Let us all do our part.


Latin for ”Out of many, one “. These beautiful words placed on the Seal of the United States of America in 1776 the secret of our strength and stability. The idea that 13 separate and divided colonies could become one nation based on respect, peace , tolerance, justice, and freedom among other things is incredibly powerful. These symbols are what I admire most about America. May these wise words inspire all the peace loving people of the world!

The world is calling us for help. Will we, will you support your world or give up on it? With better understanding and tolerance we can strengthen our ranks.

Let us not be silent, let us all work together to make the world a better place! Let there be peace, respect, tolerance and understanding.

-Myra Chaudhary
Myra is a master’s student at Brandeis University International Business School focusing on International Economic Policy.