Let The Silent Peace Loving Majority Wake Up, Join Hands, and No Longer Be Silent!

Dedicated to raising hope, our similarities, and understanding the differences between us all over the world.

Let their be awareness, understanding, tolerance, respect, compassion, peace, and love.

Let us not be silent. Let us bring up the important issues, share ideas, and comments.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Pakistan Deluged

As if they had not had enough, now six million people are victims of very severe floods in Pakistan. This is the worst monsoon season the country has had in over 80 years and a lot of it is where it has not happened before.

WE CANNOT IGNORE THIS. Millions have been displaced and thousands have died. A very sad and a serious humanitarian crisis. It is not just that, most of the floods are in the northern areas, the frontlines that have been suffering at the hands of terrorists. The challenges in these areas were enormous to begin with. The devastation of the floods has multiplied it many times over. It has huge geopolitical and security implications. This is the frontline of our fight against extremism and terrorism. It is important to deal with it promptly and help the people in the affected areas and ensure that they get settled back in their lives and are not left at the mercy of extremists. We need to remember history and not repeat the same mistakes that we made when we ignored Afghanistan and we can see we continue to suffer till this day.

There is another very important lesson to be learnt here and it should not take the IQ of a genius. Look and you will see the so called guardians of faith are attacking and killing the innocent people trapped in the waters. Yes the terrorists are killing people and these are Muslims being killed every where. Let us think for a moment. When we use a broad brush and paint a picture of Islamic terrorists we are not only doing injustice but committing a huge strategic blunder. Our statements, our media and our approach has helped no one but the terrorists. Let us try to understand, the victims of terrorism really are the hundreds and hundreds of millions of Muslims who are the targets of extremists everywhere. They actually are on our side and need our support. It is no wisdom to put them on the wrong side and weaken our own ranks. So let us use a little wisdom and stop doing what the terrorists wish and want us to do.

It will take too much to detail the list of destruction, suffice to say devastation is on a major scale. All kinds of help and money is essential at this time. Nothing can be done without it. The UN High Commissioner has reported that as much as $150 million to $200 million or more may be needed. There are immediate needs and longer term needs and issues. What will also be needed is good planning, honesty and management to ensure that help gets where it is needed.

Someone will have to do something. Don’t wait for the politicians though because it is not going to be them. They are too busy and yes they won’t have any time left–all their time and energy will be spent finger pointing and just fighting with each other. Can some one tell them, this is not going to stop the floods or feed the hungry and the homeless now. There is a better way to stand out from the crowd and it is by offering real solutions. Any one who tries that is really really going to stand out, and this would actually be a better way to get into the high office also which they are all after. People are really suffering and desperately need help. Could everybody please get back to real work?

It is not enough to hang that picture in the big offices. It will help more to remember and follow the words of the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah: “My message to you all is of hope, courage, and confidence. Let us mobilize all our resources in a systematic and organized way and tackle the grave issues that confront us with grim determination and discipline worth of a great nation” Failure was a word that was unknown to Jinnah. For the sake of humanity and global security we cannot afford to fail.

Let us do what we can and let us give what we can. It will all add up and make a difference.

-Myra Chaudhary

See a BBC map of the intensity of the flood devastation and other ways to help raise money and learn more below: Let us not be silent. Let us work together and make this world a better place. Let us bring up the important issues, share ideas and comments.

A way to help: State Department Text Message Campaign

Text S-W-A-T to 50555 for a $10 contribution to the UN High Commission for Refugees for tents, cloths, food, clean water, medicine, and other relief assistance.

For more information see the State Department, US Agency for International Development (USAID), United Nations. , also PakPac Links: US, International,& Pakistani Charities

Some examples of relief assistance so far:

According to USAID the US government has pledged $35 million including $15 million from USAID Office of Food For Peace for wheat and peas to the UN World Food Program and $10 Million to support NGO’s implementation of humanitarian programs.$10 Million from USAID/Pakistan has been offered for grants to local NGO’s for emergency relief, safe drinking water, preventative healthcare. Several other countries including China, UK, France and others have promised to provide assistance as well. Another $18 million are from the UN. So far about $12,000 has been raised by the State Department Text Message Campaign.

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