Let The Silent Peace Loving Majority Wake Up, Join Hands, and No Longer Be Silent!

Dedicated to raising hope, our similarities, and understanding the differences between us all over the world.

Let their be awareness, understanding, tolerance, respect, compassion, peace, and love.

Let us not be silent. Let us bring up the important issues, share ideas, and comments.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Many Faces of Violence

Afghanistan Kandahar Massacre: A rogue soldier killed 16 and wounded at least 9 villagers civilians, men, women and children -March 11, 2012
Oslo Bombings and Utoya Attack, Norway: 77 people were killed in a bombing of a government building in Oslo and a shooting rampage at a youth camp on an island near the capital committed by Anders Behring Breivik -July 22, 2011.
Fort Hood Shooting: 13 people killed and nearly 30 wounded at Fort Hood Texas committed by Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, an army psychiatrist, one of the worst mass shootings ever on an American military base -November 5, 2009
Marriott Hotel Attacks Islamabad, Pakistan: 53 people killed and at least 266 wounded by a suicide bombing on the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, one of the worst acts of terrorism in the history of Pakistan. -September 20, 2008.
Virginia Tech Massacre: Student Cho Seung-Hui killed 32 people and wounded 25 after two shooting attacks before committing suicide at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, the deadliest shooting rampage in American history -April 16, 2007
Benazir Bhutto Assassinated: As a result of gunfire and a suicide blast at a political rally, Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan and the first woman Prime Minister of a Muslim country, was assassinated, 20 others killed and 50 wounded-December 27,2007
Columbine Massacre: 12 students and 1 teacher were killed and 21 students injured by two school shooters who also committed suicide at Columbine High School -April 20, 1999
Oklahoma City Bombing: 168 people killed, including 19 children under age 6, and over 680 injured in a terrorist bomb attack at Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building committed by Timothy McVeigh -April 19, 1995
What have all these faces in common? The victims are all innocent people.
What else is common?
It’s disturbed and confused minds unable to think rationally committing such horrendous acts.
Media, special interests and extremists everywhere and anywhere can and will continue to say whatever just to help support their special interests and agendas.
But think about it, does it represent a race, religion or a nation?
The media should have the responsibility to maintain a sense of rationality and honesty because the world peace depends on it.
Let us not be misled. Let us think clearly. Let us be responsible and try to understand so that we do not play in the hands of those who want to create rifts and conflicts. Let us understand so that we can fulfill our roles to make this world a safe and a happy place for all, because we are in it together, one world and one life to live.
-Myra Chaudhary, USA

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